Posts tagged with "thethreeprinciples"
27. February 2017
A few days ago, I was waiting for a delayed flight at the airport. I felt tired of waiting and bored. In moments like that, I always practice some of the Bates Method exercises. It is a funny way to spend your time while you practice healthy visual habits. In addition, any airport, with its infrastructure, elements, colors and different people is a great place to practice. And this time, during my stay there, I thought that I should share it with you. If you are one of those who spend many...
13. February 2017
Last week, I talked about movement and my experiences with it. Although, the true is that I didn't deep about how to practice the movement in our daily life and in our vision. As well as, I've decided that is a good chance to speak about this principle and about how to integrate it. Movement is part of life and part of planet earth. We are in constant movement, as are our eyes It is curious to think that an eye is moving all the time. Although we can not perceive it, it moves. In fact, an eye...
05. February 2017
Today, I want to share with you something that I wrote during my Bates Method training. This story is all about movement, and it is about my way of perceiving it in that moment. Believe me, it has not been easy at all to translate it from Spanish to English. There are too many feelings and Spanish words in there. But, I hope you can understand it. Movement is one of the three Bates Method principles. Relaxation and central fixation are the other two. Bates said that movement was one of the...