Marina Montiel and Fedor Simonov are visual recovery teachers but they use different methods. In this workshop, you will be able to learn The Bates Method and The Eye Diamond method from your own home and when you decide.


During the workshop you will learn all the Bates Method and Eye Diamond techniques. After it, you will be able to practice by yourself.


An online workshop has the following advantages:

-You can attend from wherever place you are

- You don't have to move to any place, specially if there are no vision recovery teachers close to you

- Some people don't feel comfortable attending workshops with strange people

- You will get the records, so, you will be able to return to watch the exercises and everything always you want 

You'll get the following results
- Complete self-confidence and calmness to succeed the goal of 20\20 eyesight naturally;
- Body\eyes relaxation and healing
- Improving blood circulation, vessels tonus and flexibility;
- Correction of the body posture;
- Releasing blocks from the body and eyesight;
- Ability to work on the computer as much as you like, but not as much as you are forced to because of the strain of the eyesight;
- The emotional, mental and physical resistance to stress at work and while communicating with people;

- A sense of greater balance and harmony
- Being more present
- Better balance and coordination
- Enhanced depth perception
-Increased mental clarity
- Greater connection with self
- More connection with the world around you
- More self confidence

The price is 115 pounds for both days or 135 euros.

If you are interested clikc and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.



  • Material (We will send it to you by email)
  • 6 hours of recordings with Marina Montiel
  • 6 hours of recordings with Fedor Simonov
  • 2 Skype session for using after the workshop; one with Marina and the other one with Fedor 

Above, you can watch our online class presentation:

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.